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Sharpen your cooking skills.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your favorite dish? Do you want to surprise your friends or significant other? The Phoenix Palate offers public and private cooking classes, so you can learn from the pros!

We offer public classes and private classes

Host a party, and learn how to make any dish with your friends. If you wish to surprise people with your new cooking skills, we also offer 1 on 1 classes. Our chefs will provide all of the supplies you need, unless specified.

How to book a class:

1. Choose the type of cuisine

What type of cuisine would you like to learn how to cook? Thai? Italian? Mexican?

2. Choose the type of dish

Would you like to learn how to cook several dishes? Or just focus on a specific dish? 

3. Pick a date

Pick which day works for you, how many guests you will have? or is it just you?

4. Finalize

Together, we'll finalize what dishes you are cooking, the details, and the final payment. 

Ready to Book?

Book a Private Class RSVP for Public Class